Azure Blob Storage: Data protection and Recovery capabilities for Altaro

Another one of my blog posts is now up over at This one looks at Azure Blob storage with all the gory technical details around soft delete / recoverability, different resilience models (Locally redundant, Zone redundant, Geo redundant), tiered storage (Hot, Cool, Archive) etc.

Read it here.

Enjoy! And thanks for reading.

Cross Region Restore CRR for VMs for Altaro

In the lead up to Christmas I had a couple of my blog posts go live over at

The first one covers Cross Region Restore (CRR) for VMs that you back up in one Azure region and you can then restore in another region (for testing purposes or in case of an outage). Previously you had to wait for Microsoft to declare an outage in the primary region before you could do the restore.

Read it here.

Enjoy! And thanks for reading.